Yes you read that right, In the waterloo area 86 stillbirths have occurred from January to July of 2021 and all of the mothers were vaccinated, normally it only 1 still birth every two months. Looks like that vaccines are not safe for expecting moms.
We have included a video of it being brought up in the house of commons in case you missed it.
Just take a look at this full blown LIE that every other news source is reporting while the evidence is right above.
“This type of disinformation adds unnecessary stress to expecting parents who have received a COVID-19 vaccine, on health-care staff who must reassure their patients, and on the health-care system, as resources are stretched further during the ongoing pandemic response,” Vancouver Coastal Health said in the post.
Please do your own research and try using DuckDuckgo for you information as it is a better way yo get the truth
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