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Public Relations Canada
Prequalifies Businesses
A prequalified Travel Agent will contact you shortly
Our Hotel Agent contacts you
Options within 3-5 minutes with 3 Easy Steps
Step 1 - Select a Service
Step 2 - Submit Form
Step 3 - Relax
Public Relations Canada's Travel Agents answer all types of questions via phone or conference call about Travel Insurance, Travel Credit, Best Travel Pricing, and more, taking your next Vacation experience to the next degree of easy using our three step process
Book a Vacation
Vacations can be fun and easy when you have the best Travel Agent. That's why Public Relations Canada's service is so unique as we get the right travel agency to call you based on your needs.
Save time and money
3 easy step
Step 1 - Click the Info Request Button
Step 2 - Fill out the Info Request Form
Step 3 - Sit back and relax
Our software matches you with the most qualified Travel Agent in your area, and they are notified to contact you as quickly as practical.
(Answers in 3-5 min)

Do you need a vacation but good travel agents are hard-to-find?
Our Public Relations team only promotes good businesses by pre-qualifying them first so your purchasing experiences are pleasurable again.

Public Relations Canada was designed to help you feeling confident while gathering the essential information towards your next big purchase ensuring a pleasurable experience. Our clients have kept confidence in their consumer buying experiences by us providing them with the safest information available. Our platform is especially essential when inquiring about deliverables from cities with restrictions that you may not familiar with due to Covid19.
Our chain of connections is within Canada's most sought after and experienced business entrepreneurs, as seen on CTV/CBC/Global News. Rest assured that everyone in our Network lives up to the highest standard of business practice